Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Post Christmas Waste

I was happy to see that the recycling bin behind the Science Museum was filled with some discarded wrapping paper, but this prompted me to think about all the wrapping paper NOT recycled. What a waste.

I miss the days when my Grandma still wrapped presents in left over funny pages from the newspaper. I wrapped my presents in plain brown packing paper I got some packages in and used left over gift bags from last year.

I cringed to see the trashbags full of wrapping paper at my grandma's yesterday afternoon after presents had been open. As I left I saw the bags in the back of my grandpa's Isuzu pup. I told myself they'll get dropped in the recycling bin at the dump.

Less than 7 days before I give up the trash-habit. I better finish all the saran wrapped cakes and pies I took home.

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