Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Plan

My New Year's Resolution:

No More Trash.

Sound insane?

What's more insane is the average American produces four pounds of trash a day. That adds up to more than 200 million pounds a year for all of us combined.

Why am I doing this? Good question. I'm not exactly sure, but I'll go with the concept that overconsumption and wastefulness are as good enough things to give up as anything. I'm trying to change my ways. I recycle, but I still feel a cloud over my head everytime I throw a bag of trash down the chute.

So here are the rules I am setting out for myself:

1. The first line of defense is to avoid buying trash if at all possible. This means bringing my own coffee cup for on the go runs at the local shop, not buying products packaged in non-recyclable materials, etc, etc.

2. I'll will try to buy used and second hand items, or barter.

3. Anything that is recyclable, I shall recycle.

4. Anything of use or value that I no longer have a need for I will barter, donate, or sell.

5. I'll attempt to mix my own cleaning and hygiene products, and will cease to use paper towels and napkins.

6. If after I have exhausted steps 1-5, and am still left with something that I need to throw away, I will use it for other purposes, somehow someway. Hopefully I will find some creative uses for them and be able to sell the re-purposed or recreated items or barter, or gift them.

7. Anything organic will be disposed of by garbage disposal or compost.

8. The one exception to 1-7 is toilet paper. I am sorry but I am not quite ready to make that leap. Maybe in 2009.

9. If, even after all, I find myself in a situation where I cave, and I throw something away, I will report it on this blog, and you may ridicule me for it. Honestly, I am sure this will happen at some point, and it is here where I will beg for penance.

100% trash elimination is the goal, but I won't consider this experiment a failure as long as I don't fall below 90%. Of course I don't have the time to actually mathematically determine it, so it will be subjective, and this blog shall serve as the record of my progress.

If you think I am missing something, please let me know. Any feedback would be great.

If anyone wants to join in on the challenge, be my guest. I'll send you a blog invite, or you can make your own. Just let me know.


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