There is a strangefruit that grows in the trees of New York:
I call it plastic bag fruit. I also hear it is an and coming invasive species bound to take over Richmond if we do not eradicate plastic bag fruit from our streets and retail stores!!!
Diatribes aside, I love New York, and they have some pretty crafty recycling tricks I wish Richmond would adapt. For example, at least one of the restaurants I ate at had a recycling bin for bottles and cans. Where are these in Richmond? Why can't this be required of every bar and restaurant in the city. Is it too much of a burden to ask businesses to simply provide a recycling bin for customers that the city will pick up? Sure some places will have more volume, but it doesnt take any more energy to dump in in a trash bin, than it does to separate the bottles and put them in a separate bin.
On a personal note, I have thrown many things away in New York. I am sorry, but in Richmond I will be much more stricter. I think I will need to comb the streets back home for recyclables to make up for my trash transgressions. I guess I'm the half assed trashless man. It's tough, but it is apparent I didn't plan enough. This is a learning experience, so although I technically failed my resolution, I will still struggle to keep it.
Hi there,
I presume your quest to be trashless isn't going very well since you haven't posted anything for a month now.
I want to congratulate you for your effort of trying to do is. I guess it should show us all how very difficult it is to live without making trash. I was hoping that you could pull it off until the end of the year, but one thing is for sure: i wouldn't be able to do it.
Your blog made me more conscious about trash, so while i am still making it, i am trying to reduce it as much as possible. Maybe you could continue posting tips on how you manage reduce your trash reduction.
Once again: great effort and i hope one day we will all succeed.
I'm sorry but I dont see how anyone could like New York. In short, its ugly. Its over priced, the people are rude, and I dont know why Frank Sinatra sang about it all the time.
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